In 2022, BUD worked with LLC @Max Roach to clarify their long-term vision and mission and to co-create strategies and goals to fulfil this.
LCC @ Max Roach felt that they would need longer term support from BUD, to help the team action their goals consistently and progressively. They also wanted to see more of their stakeholders (especially board members and service users) attend the workshops and be included in the process.
In 2023, BUD designed and delivered four quarterly workshops to support them in working towards their powerful mission of supporting children and families to play, learn and thrive. These included accountability workshops to keep the project on track.
92% of participants strongly agreed that the accountability workshops helped them as individuals
What it’s like to work with BUD Leaders
“I really enjoyed the support given by the facilitators to help us discover our self and our vision”.
“I Love BUD. I love the delivery style, tools and engagement with us. I feel you are working with LCC to extract what we need to be successful”.
“The workshops took the team on a journey to dream the impossible which is actually possible”.
“Delivery style – engaging nurturing and attentive”.