Large Organisations

We support you to meet your goals for a more diverse business, while making a social impact.

There’s ample evidence that investing in equity, diversity and inclusion makes good business sense. It has been proven that diverse businesses are 33% more innovative and that inclusive leadership creates better business outcomes.

Challenge X2Supplier Springboard

We are seeking to rectify the power imbalance evident in leadership across organisations in the UK.

Our approach is two-pronged

We work with Global Majority women-owned organisations to help them to address the systemic barriers to progression they are facing, and with large corporations, trusts and government bodies to increase diversity in their teams and throughout their businesses.

We know that change is hard.

We’re here to help you to make it as enjoyable and impactful as possible.

We work with leaders like you who:


Are accountable for demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.


Are setting and working towards ambitious Environmental, Social and Governance goals.


Want a pipeline to attract, recruit and retain Global Majority talent.


Are developing a diverse, robust supply chain.


Want to embed anti-racism across your organisation.

We know every organisation’s experience of change will be different.

We take the time to get to know you and co-create the right path forward for you and your team. 


Chat with our team today

We have a bold goal. To double the revenue of 2030 Global Majority women in business and entrepreneurship by 2030.

Pledge today to commit to creating a measurable social impact and to developing a diverse and inclusive business.

As a large business, trust or foundation, this can help you to:


Become an ambassador for inclusive workplaces


Meet your social impact and ESG goals


Find talented suppliers


Provide volunteering opportunities for your staff


Learn from Global Majority led small/medium enterprises


Amplify your impact through PR and social media


Tap into a larger network of peers in different industries

How it works.

You pledge to be part of Challenge X2. Confirm how you plan to be involved, there are several ways to do so from:


Skills sharing


Being a change ambassador






Accessing finance


Entering supply chains


Access to space and more

Once you’re involved, you become part of the community pledging towards ChallengeX2. BUD Leaders will actively invite you to join in with workshops, events, programmes and more.

As a core partner you will have the opportunity to be even more involved!  

Find the right diverse suppliers 


Find Diverse Suppliers

Our diagnostic tool simplifies and accelerates the process of identifying talented Global Majority businesses. It not only helps in finding these businesses but also ensures they are fully prepared and equipped to supply. 


Grow Diverse Suppliers

Support a supplier in graduating from our Springboard Academy. Know a Global Majority business with potential that requires additional support? We will assist them in becoming supply-ready at no extra cost to you.

Finding a supplier takes 40 days and often results in wasted resources on futile searches. Enter BUD, we simplify the process with our diagnostic tool to find talented suppliers and make them supplier-ready on your behalf, saving you time and money. As a part of the supplier springboard, you can sponsor a supplier to scale their business and take part in high impact Hackathon Days, enabling you to network with Global Majority led small/medium enterprises and add maximum social value while having fun


Find a supplier that matches your requirements


Grow a supplier through Springboard Academy for a cost neutral investment


Use your corporate volunteering days to be a part of high-impact Hackathon days


Network with 200+ Black and Global Majority-led SMEs via our online platform

Discover our workshop packages

Discover our Workshop packages for your team including systems change workshops through the SHIFT model framework, which includes four facilitated systems thinking workshops aimed at achieving racial equity in procurement and investment. Additionally, opt for our membership model to receive tailored leadership and organizational development training.

Make a social impact through our programmes. 

Supplier Springboard

We have designed this programme to support large organisations to increase diversity in their business, while having an immediate social impact by working with Global Majority led small/medium enterprises.


A unique training programme for leaders responsible for their organisation’s supply chain.


A 6 month course, where you benefit from in-person training each month in London.


Learn from the latest best practice, understand our SHIFT model of change, and create an organisational action plan to diverse your supply chain.


Designed to evolve and grow your inclusive leadership skills.


Join a supportive cohort from a diverse range of businesses to expand your networks. The unique aspect of this course is that it will also bring you together with Global Majority small business owners to share your experiences and learn together.


Receive an impact report quantifying the social value you have added through taking part in the programme.

Project Design and Delivery 

We have designed and delivered several programmes working alongside large organisations to address issues within racialised and underrepresented communities. These programmes range from:


Business Development


Happier Healthier Workplaces


Community Leadership


Black Maternal Health


Peer-2-Peer Networks

Activate! Hackathons

Use your corporate volunteering days to develop your team’s innovative thinking and help Global Majority led small businesses.

An Activate! Hackathon brings together corporate volunteers and Global Majority small business leaders for a fun, engaging day of problem solving and skill sharing.


Bring your team together to workshop with Global Majority business leaders on a business problem.


Support Global Majority small/medium enterprises in a direct and practical way.


Benefit from reverse mentoring with Global Majority leaders – where your team members will build their skills and learn from the experience too.


Use the hackathon as an engaging, meaningful team building session.


Make a social impact through employee volunteering.

Skill Sharing

Gift one hour a month to empower and inspire.

BLOC is the BUD Leaders Online Community the home of ChallngeX2. Members of the community share skills. An ideal way for you and your team to volunteer their time to support Global Majority entrepreneurs, and receive support from diverse networks.

BLOC aims to create a culture of reciprocity. Not only do you share your experience and expertise, but you also learn from others. Win, win!

Join us today if you haven’t already pledged towards ChallengeX2. Better yet start sharing your skills!

Organisational Development

We work with organisations to support them with internal facilitation or consultancy. We use outside the box approaches in our methodology to ensure you can move forward with clarity, collaboration, and cohesiveness.


System design


Co-design processes


Psychological safety and belonging


Power and Influence


Our expert, certified facilitators can deliver a range of workshops on inclusive leadership topics and offer coaching sessions for leaders including:


Unconscious Bias


Power of Storytelling


Empowering Leadership


Public speaking


Overcoming Fears

We work with you to agree an agenda for each workshop, so that the delivery and resources meet your specific needs. Book a free call with the team to discuss now. 

Ready to make an impact? 

Want to work more closely with us or need specific support?

We’ll listen to your needs and share more about what it could look like. We’ll share options and potential next steps. We’ll make adaptations to tailor to your organisation. Once everything is agreed we will set start date and get cracking making change together.

Partner with us.

We also offer the option to partner with us – both as an organisation and as an individual as a way to support your organisation’s equity, diversity and inclusion objectives.

As a core partner, you’ll: 


Have access to a network of diverse small/medium enterprises


Be a named partner for Challenge X2


Be profiled in our communications and PR, and on our website


Receive all resources and guides


Gain tickets for our annual celebration event


Access masterclasses and workshops


Access to create own online community of contacts via our online platform


Invite to a roundtable quarterly to explore our Challenge X2 movement and network with other partners

Both organisations and individuals can partner with us.

Organisations receive an annual impact report that quantifies the social impact you are making by supporting Global Majority women through BUD Leaders.

Individual price: £195 per year

Organisation price: £1500 per year

Work with us and have a social impact – 51% of our profits is reinvested back into empowering Global Majority women.